Sabtu, Agustus 20

M3T4L S0CK3T v3 full cracked

wuh appnya mas varjil ru satu hari di posting.. skrg dah cracked lagi.. kasihan ea :D :D :D

Feature :

* 3 set unlimited multy login
* Run 3 set at a time
* Invisble admin detector
* Auto Left On Admin Detect
* Spy chat
* Maximum 320 Character text send in flood
* Auto vote Kick
* Keep alive
* Hide Multy ids from User list
* Auto enter
* Auto room list
* Multy chat
* Auto multy chat
* 14 ids Brutal
* Unlimited Kick Target
* Auto save/load Ids
* Loop/interval
* Save/load room name
* Send text
* Stylish Flood
* Auto flood
* Auto count
* Emot change flood (change emot in every line)
* Dc code
* Hang code
* Emot flood
* Clock time flood
* Save/load floode text
* Set Exchanger(invisible enter)
* Series multy controler
* Unlimited call error bomb
* Unlimited pvt bomb
* Unlimited bomb add
* Roll flood with text
* Enter/left Roll flood
* Roll flood with DC code
* Roll flood with Emote
* Manual flood interval/delay
* Manual roll interval/delay
* List kick
* spy log
* Auto wellcome message
* Spy will auto left if kick start
* Auto enter spy
* ping your ip
* Auto left gc
* Balance checker
---------- online Admin Detector + Room Detector ----------
* Unlimited Ary Log Based on Admin list Count
*  Invisible + visible admin detector
* You dont have to enter in room to detect Admins
* Online Admin Finder
* Detect In Bullet Speed
* Manual detect
* Auto detect
* Set Presence
* Auto Relogin
* Manual Detection Speed
* Delay
* Pop Up Messege And Alert On Detect
---------- Pvt and Gc Destroyer----------
* Spy Id log for GC Chat
* 10 Flooder ids for Gc
* Group/Pvt flood
* Auto Add Multy With Each Other
* Invite all Online and Awat friend in gc
* Bullet speed Emot Flood , Custom Flood in Gc/pvt
* Pic Bomb in gc/pvt
* Unlimited ary
* Auto add Spy id with all Multy And invite to gc
* Invite any Target
---------- Target Finder ----------
* Check you targets status ( online/offline )
* You can see Your Target Chating in Which Chat room
* Add Unlimited Chat room For Search
* Auto/Manual Finder
* Delay/interval

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